POEM: "Imprints"
POEM: "Alphabet Soup"
POEM: “The Weight of Angels”
POEM: “Song of a Carnival Killing”
POEM: “By Zelda”
POEM: “American Nature Poem”
BOOK REVIEW: “A Female Persuaded: A Review of Meg Wolitzer’s new novel”
ESSAY: “Confessing to Being a Bad Friend”
BOOK REVIEW: “The Floridian Underbelly: A Review of Sarah Gerard’s ‘Sunshine State’”
BOOK REVIEW: “Sharon Olds’ Disgusting and Beautiful Odes”
POEM: “Batman”
A Women’s THing
LYRICS: Lay Down (Hit number 1 on Hypemachine)
LYRICS: Every Ring
LYRICS: Hurricane
LYRICS: Pretty Cage
Electropop Artist
MFA in Creative Writing, 2017
Supervisors: Gabriele Calvocoressi, Daisy Fried, Heather McHugh, Rodney Jones & Alan Shapiro
Warren Wilson
BA in English-Creative Writing, 2010
English Department Grant
Awarded Levinthal Tutorial with Stegner Fellow Chanda Feldman
Stanford University
Work History
Artist interview series and live auction, broadcast on Instagram Live, 2019-present
Marketing, content, community and brand at tech start ups, 2011-2019
Brand Marketing, Path, Oyster & Dote
Creator & host of "Not Your Mother's Literary Reading"
Panelist at 2019 AWP for "Give a Good Reading"
Reading & Performance
Finalist for the Urmy/Hardy Poetry Prize
Finalist for the Los Gatos-Listowel Poetry Prize
MVP, All-American, Honor Roll, Scholar Athlete from 2006-2010 for Stanford Women's Lacrosse